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Online Businesses- Reality (vs) Fantasy

If making money online was as easy as the marketing Guru's make it sound, I can assure you we would "all" be doing it. Answer me this: How many people do you actually "know" doing it? None, right? I know a lot of people, I don't know "one" that makes their living online. Like you, I've "heard" of, and "read" about a number, I don't know any and have never met a person who actually knew anyone that made their living online. The evidence would lead me to believe they are few and far between, yet no one talks about this, only the "many" (Whom they don't know) that make lots of money online.

Adsense is really being pushed nowadays. Here's how it works in a nutshell.

1. Build a site offering some kind of free unique content.

2. add your Adsense code to the pages.

3. Promote your site, linking, buying Google Adwords, search engine optimizing, getting traffic etc....

Watch the dollars roll in...lmao...right.

I've had an Adsense account for two years now, the balance is at a hefty $48.64, I get to collect when it hit's a hundred bucks....woohoo, two years from now I'm guessing. Even with heavy traffic, this is a stretch.

The reasons Adsense fails!

1. People are ad blind, they don't like clicking ads. Most of the clicks these ads get are because people were tricked into it. The ads were placed so well in the page that people think they are a link. Other than that, no one clicks them. People will actually go out of their way not to click them.

2. Only crappy little sites have Adsense ads. You don't see any of the major sites with Adsense ads. Why? They look like crap. Any site plastered with Google ads is automatically deemed unprofessional.

The only one making any serious money off of Adsense is Google. They have a millions of fools plastering their crappy little sites with Google ads, and millions more buying Adwords in the hopes that thousands will flock to their site and click all the crappy Adsense ads. Brilliant on Googles part, dumb on everyone else's. I aint no genius, but this one was obvious. Yahoo and others are in on this scam now too. Don't be fool. I have a few of their crappy ads on this site but I certainly don't expect to make any damn money off them.

The Blogging thing is big too. People buy the hype of "Pro Bloggers" making a fortune off the traffic they get, readers clicking ads, spare me please. The only Bloggers making money off their Blogs, and ads, are the ones Blogging about making money Blogging. And they are just a handful, the original ones to start all that "Blogging for money" crap.

My advice on Blogging is this, do it because you like to do it and you like to read your own crap. The reality is that most people could care less what you have to say, and they for sure don't want to come to your Blog and click on crappy little Adsense, or Yahoo ads.

The bottom line: There is no money in Adsense or any advertising I have ever seen...ever, or Blogging for that matter, so don't buy the hype or the crappy packages and ebooks people are selling on it. It's all crap.


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